Why the compensation?
Due to the increasing inflation, the government has introduced a compensation payment for those households that don’t exceed certain income criteria. It means to compensate for the increase in gas, energy and food costs.
Who can receive the compensation?
The full payment can be given to:
- single person households with a monthly income equal to or below PLN 2100,
- multi person households with a monthly income per person equal to or below PLN 1500.
The reduced payment can be given to those whose income is higher than the criteria but lower than the criteria income and the compensation together. A better explanation is provided below.
The compensation payment is available for those who reside in Poland on one of the following bases:
- Polish citizenship,
- citizenship of another EU/EFTA, considering that they reside in Poland,
- temporary residence permit,
- long-term EU resident’s status,
- refugee status or subsidiary protection,
- tolerated or humanitarian residence,
- certain types of temporary residence permits (residence permit for reconnecting with a family member who has a refugee status/subsidiary protection; residence permit based on other circumstances given to a person with a long term EU resident’s status in a different country, who resides in Poland for work/entrepreneurship, university/job related courses or any other reason that justifies their stay in Poland).
How much is the payment?
The amount of payment depends on how many people are there in a household and their monthly income:
- A single person household with a monthly income equal to or below PLN 2100 receives PLN 400/500.
- A household of 2-3 people with a monthly income equal to or below PLN 1500 per person receives a payment of PLN 600/750.
- A household of 4-5 people with a monthly income equal to or below PLN 1500 per person receives a payment of PLN 850/1062,50.
- A household of 6 people and more with a monthly income equal to or below PLN 1500 per person receives a payment of PLN 1150/1437,50.
A household is defined as a group of people who live together and have common budget. People who live on their own are considered a one-person household.
The sums provided above are the complete payment. They are executed in two parts.
Why are there two different amounts of payments?
The amount of the payment depends on the kind of heating in the household. The larger sum is reserved for those households that are heating in one of the following ways: solid fuel boiler, hearth, freestanding wood stove, air heater, kitchen stove (trzon kuchenny), kitchen stove (piecokuchnia), coal stove or tiled stove for solid fuel, powered by coal or carbon-based fuels, registered in the central registry of buildings emissivity.
Attention! If the household’s income is a little over PLN 2100 or PLN 1500 relatively, you can still apply for the compensation payment! The payment will be executed but it will be reduced by the difference between the income criteria and the factual income. The minimum possible payment is PLN 20.
Which income is taken into consideration in the compensation payment?
For applications submitted between January 31st and July 31st of 2022, the 2020’s monthly income per person is considered.
For applications submitted between August 1st and October 31st of 2022, the 2021’s monthly income per person is considered.
In order to count your monthly income, you need to find the PIT declaration from a given year and divide the number in the “dochód” field by 12 and by the number of family members.
Important! The applications submitted past 31st of October will not be processed.
How can you apply?
An application for the compensation payment can be submitted at the regional administration (Urząd Gminy/Dzielnicy). If you have a trusted profile you can submit the form online via Emp@tia or ZUS PUE platform.
Get it done with us!
Do you need help in applying for the compensation payment? Contact CPC!
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The assistance we provide is free of charge. However, please note that we do not provide technical support for websites and services nor do we mediate contact with administrative organs.
Click HERE for more guidance on living in Poland and forms of help available in the Help Center for Foreigners.