Many administrative issues can be handled remotely on the public administration websites – with just a few clicks and without leaving your home. There are issues that can only be done online, for example, application for the 500+ child support. To do these things online, you need to have a Trusted Profile (Profil Zaufany) – a free tool, which enables confirmation of your identity online, so that you can send documents and submit applications through the Internet without the need to visit the office in person. For instance, you can use the trusted profile to get access to the ePUAP platform (Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services) for interacting with the public administration bodies online.
Trusted Profile has a form of a login (series of numbers) and a password (series of numbers and letters). So when you create a trusted profile, make sure to remember these login and password or to write them down somewhere only you can access.
Who can create a Trusted Profile?
Any person who has a PESEL number (the identification number from the Polish population registration system) and full or limited legal capacity, can create and use a trusted profile. Therefore, it can also be created by foreigners, if they have a PESEL number. One person may have only one, unique trusted profile, which is valid for 3 years and can be extended for another 3 years.
What you can do with a Trusted Profile?
With a trusted profile, you’ll be able to:
- submit applications for various benefits, such as 500 Plus and 300 Plus, one-off childbirth grant („becikowe”), parental benefit, and others at
- get access to the Social Insurance Institution’s electronic platform (PUE ZUS)
- register at the labour office at
- log in to the Tax Portal (
- get copies of registry office records (certificate of marriage, birth, death) at
- get access to the Patient’s Online Account (Internetowe Konto Pacjenta – IKP) at
- submit an application for the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) at
- register the business (
- and dozens of other things.
How to create a Trusted Profile
In order to create a trusted profile, you will need an email address. You can create the trusted profile online via internet banking. This is the fastest and easiest way, but you should make sure that your bank offers this option (check the list of banks on the trusted profile website). Another way is to register at website and confirm your trusted profile at one of the selected confirmation points within 14 days after completing the registration form. Use a search tool to find the nearest confirmation point – e.g. tax offices, ZUS offices, voivodeship offices or selected post offices.
Get it done with us!
Do you need assistance with creating your Trusted Profile?
In the time of coronavirus, our Help Center for Foreigners will help you remotely! Send an e-mail to: [email protected] and put „Trusted Profile” in the subject line.
The assistance we provide is free of charge.