Even before the current situation, the system of reception and integration of refugees in Poland was not responding sufficiently to the needs of this group and did not provide effective support for integration, despite the fact that there were few people applying for international protection (maximum 12,000-15,000 people per year). Therefore, in the opinion of Ocalenie staff, the biggest challenge will be long-term support in integration of a new group of refugees, both men and women, and them becoming self-reliant. Their number (even several million people) and vulnerable structure (children and women, many of whom suddenly became independent parents) are unprecedented for Polish conditions.
As a first step, Fundacja Ocalenie plans to undertake the following activities:
- Continuing ad hoc emergency efforts, directed also towards those fleeing war in Ukraine who experience racism in Poland.
- Creating safe space for children and day-care centres in short-term and long-term accommodation places for refugees, in 8 reception points near the border and in 14 accommodation centres as well as in Warsaw; the aim of this activity is to minimise the effects of war experience and the necessity to flee on children.
- Developing a programme of long-term educational support and integration for children and young people; complementing support for children with other forms of assistance for entire families.
- Increasing the availability of support provided to people from Ukraine by Foreigners Assistance Centres in Warsaw, Łódź and Łomża by:
– employing additional „first line of support” employees (mentors and
– cultural mentors) with Ukrainian language skills,
– hiring additional psychologists with Ukrainian and Russian language skills,
– employing other necessary specialists,
– organising other necessary assistance, including medical and housing assistance. - Organising support for local authorities in Mazowieckie Voivodeship receiving refugees by:
– field teams’ visits to facilities accommodating refugees to provide basic counselling,
– consultations, trainings for municipalities including persons involved in providing and planning assistance to refugees, - Supporting other institutions and organisations in building competencies in assisting refugees, i.a. through consultation and training.
- Developing the institutional network of the charity.