Did you work legally in Poland in 2020 (based on “umowa o pracę”, “umowa zlecenia”, “umowa o dzieło”)? Then you should fill out your tax return form (PIT-37) by August 30th, 2021.
You can check, add or correct information, as well as accept the tax return form that has been prepared by the tax office using its on-line platform at www.podatki.gov.pl.
This service is available in Polish only. If you need assistance with verifying your PIT-37 tax return form or you need to fill it in, you can send an e-mail to [email protected]. Put „PIT-37” in the subject line and include the following information in the body:
- All your PIT-11 forms that you have received from your employer or employers, covering 2019. (scans).
- Your 2018 PIT-37 tax return form (if you paid your taxes in Poland last year): it is necessary to send on-line the 2019 PIT-37 form or to verify the tax return form prepared by the tax office (scans).
- In case you are filling your tax return jointly with your spouse, please send us their identification details and include their PIT-11 (or inform us that they were not employed in 2019).
- If you are a single parent, please include this information in your e-mail.
- If you are entitled to a family (children) tax relief (Pl: “ulga prorodzinna”), please include it in your e-mail:
- Your children’s names, last names and PESEL numbers,
- Your children’s names, last names and dates of birth (if they do not have PESEL numbers).
The assistance we provide is free of charge. However, we offer assistance with completing or verifying PIT-37 tax return form only. In case of other, more complicated tax questions, we advise you to seek professional assistance of a tax advisor or an accountant.
Fundacja Ocalenie is not liable for errors in the tax return form if the taxpayer provides insufficient information.