[UA/ TJ/ GEO/ FR/ AR >>>]
The Ocalenie Foundation has launched Help Center for Victims of Tortures. It will operate until the end of 2020. Project is cofinanced by the UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture.
Who can apply to the Center?
Help Center for Victims of Tortures offers support to those who are:
- foreigners currently living in Poland,
- have been subjected to violence by or with the consent of the authorities (in any country) and are therefore likely to have suffered torture.
What kind of assistance does the Center provide?
To those who meet the above criteria and decide to contact us we will propose:
- a diagnostic meeting with a psychologist (if necessary with the participation of an interpreter) to examine the psychological effects of torture,
- at the request of the client psychological opinion will be issued at the disposal of the person concerned.
For those who, due to the experience of torture, will need further support, we will offer, depending on individual needs:
- psychotherapy,
- psychiatric treatment,
- legal assistance,
- social support.
If necessary, we can also provide support for a person’s family.
How to apply?
Applications, in any language, can be sent to [email protected] or by phone 884 828 454 (Polish, English).
Until the epidemic situation improves, the consultations will be carried out remotely – by phone or via the Internet according to the client’s preferences). Direct consultations will be resumed when possible and safe.