Get it done: Warsaw Nursery Voucher

If you live in Warsaw and you want to send your child to a nursery, but there is no place at the public institution, the waiting time is too long, or you simply choose a private nursery, you can apply for a Warsaw nursery voucher (“warszawski bon żłobkowy”). The voucher, worth PLN 400, is paid every month for children from one year old until they go to kindergarten. It aims to cover part of the private nursery fees. 

You are eligible for the voucher if:

  • you work, live and pay taxes in Warsaw;
  • you are not taking parental leave;
  • your income does not exceed PLN 3844 net per person in the family;
  • your child is on the waiting list for a place in a public nursery and you agree to be removed from the list while receiving the benefit, or your child attends a municipal nursery and you terminate a contract with this institution.

What do you have to do?

To get support, you need to fill out your application online using the application tamplate available on the website of the City of Warsaw, then print and sign it.

The application must be accompanied by the following documents:

  1. a copy of the contract with a private nursery;
  2. a proof of employment or undertaking other paid work and the confirmation that you are not currently taking a parental leave;
  3. a statement from your private nursery on the amount of funding it receives for its activities.

Additionally, If you are a foreigner, you should attach:

  • a copy of your residence card (karta pobytu) – if you have a permanent residence permit, a long-term EU resident permit, a temporary residence permit for the purpose of highly qualified employment or a temporary residence permit in connection with other circumstances (the latter applies to those who have a long-term EU resident permit issued by another EU member state, and a temporary residence permit due to other circumstances in Poland), or in connection with obtaining refugee status, or subsidiary protection in Poland; 
  • a copy of the residence card and the decision (decyzja) on granting of a temporary residence permit – if you have a residence permit with the annotation „access to the labour market” („dostęp do rynku pracy”).

The application and required documents must be submitted to the Residents Service Department at the Capital City of Warsaw Municipal Office (Wydziały Obsługi Mieszkańców – Informacje o Urzędzie Warszawy). It is also necessary to bring the original documents to certify that copies are in conformity with the originals. You can also submit your application online via ePUAP. Depending on your situation, additional documents may be required.

The application is free of charge. You can expect a decision within one month of submitting your completed application, though it can take longer if there is a need for more detailed analysis of your application.

Need assistance with submitting your application for the Warsaw nursery voucher? 

Get it done with us!

In the time of coronavirus, our Help Center for Foreigners will help you remotely! Send an e-mail to: [email protected] and put „Warsaw Nursery Voucher” in the subject line.

The assistance we provide is free of charge.