Get it done: Annual tax return 2019

Submitting the PIT-37 tax return form is a task everyone working legally in Poland has to face sooner or later. This applies equally to those who – in the tax year concerned –  were employed based on an employment contract (PL „umowa o pracę”) and to those who performed work under civil law contracts (e.g., „umowa o dzieło” or „umowa zlecenia”).

The abbreviation “PIT” stands for “Personal Income Tax” and it is usually on everyone’s lips from the end of January till the end of April each year. That’s because the regular deadline for submitting the tax return form to the relevant tax office is April, 30. This applies to everyone over the age of 18, who has income.

But what to do when the coronavirus epidemic is raging on, numerous restrictions have been introduced, and the institutions and offices do not operate on a normal basis? The Ministry of Finance announced the extension of the deadline for submitting the annual tax return – this year it can be done until June, 1. However, the implemented solution is addressed primarily to those running business activity (“działalność gospodarcza”), as they are required to complete and submit the tax return form to the tax office by themselves.     

I don’t run a business, I must submit the PIT-37 tax return form, but I have no clue how to do that… What should I do?

From 2019, the Polish tax office prepares PIT-37 for you. Each taxpayer can view the pre-prepared statement, check if it is correct, and make modifications or accept it without any changes using the on-line platform It’s always worth verifying the statement that has been prepared by the tax office to make sure that all the information is correct and nothing has been accidentally omitted. This is important, because it is the taxpayer who is responsible for the content and accuracy of information that will be finally submitted to the tax office. If you prefer, you can still do it the traditional way, that is fill out the PIT-37 form by yourself.

Importantly, if by April 30 the taxpayer makes no changes to the pre-prepared statement at, it will be automatically submitted on this day, despite the deadline being extended. It therefore makes sense for you to verify the PIT-37 form, or fill it out by yourself before April 30, especially if you claim the tax reliefs you are entitled to. You can still submit a correction to your tax return form after this date, but why make life complicated? After all, the longer you delay submitting your tax return, the later you’ll actually receive a refund; and in case you submit a correction, it can take even up to 3 months for you to get refunded.

After April 30, the only way to make changes to the PIT-37 tax return form is by submitting a correction.   

Until May 31, when making a correction to the PIT-37 form, you can also add or change a public benefit organization to donate 1% of tax.

Get it done with us! 

Need assistance with verifying or filling out your PIT-37 tax return form? Stressed out about completing your annual tax return? Or maybe you simply don’t know how to do it?

In the time of coronavirus, our Help Center for Foreigners will help you remotely! Send an e-mail to: [email protected], put „PIT-37” in the subject line and provide us with following data:

  1. All your PIT-11 forms that you have received from your employer or employers, covering 2019. (scans).  
  2. Your 2018 PIT-37 tax return form (if you paid your taxes in Poland last year): it is necessary to send on-line the 2019 PIT-37 form or to verify the tax return form prepared by the tax office (scans). 
  3. In case you are filling your tax return jointly with your spouse, please send us their identification details and include their PIT-11 (or inform us that they were not employed in 2019).   
  4. If you are a single parent, please include this information in your e-mail. 
  5. If you are entitled to a family (children) tax relief (Pl: “ulga prorodzinna”), please include it in your e-mail: 
  6. Your children’s names, last names and PESEL numbers,
  7. Your children’s names, last names and dates of birth (if they do not have PESEL numbers).

The assistance we provide is free of charge. However, we offer assistance with completing or verifying PIT-37 tax return form only. In case of more complicated tax questions, we advise you to seek professional assistance of a tax advisor or an accountant.

The Ocalenie Foundation is not liable for errors in the tax return form if the taxpayer provides insufficient information.